And look what turned up in my post office box today – Mr Darren Finkelstein’s 4th book – and in true Daz style – it’s a doozey. I absolutely love everything about his new book – from the concept and premise behind it to the quality of the publishing. Big and bold – just like Darren. And a great publishing job by the Publish Central team (of course).
So, how does it feel to have book #4 under your belt Mr F? Anyone keen to grab a copy can visit – https://tickthoseboxes.com.au/theaccountabilityadvantage/
I’ve had the pleasure of reading “The Accountability Advantage” before it was published, in fact I wrote the foreword – and I think anyone who gets a lot done now, but would like to get more done and perhaps done a little easier, will get a great deal out of Darren’s new book.
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